/ Rotator cuff, HOMBRO, Tendinosis, What's the Dx / Por Dr. Ravi Padmanabhan MOVE SLIDER ICON (ARROWS) LEFT TO SEE THE DIAGNOSIS WHAT ARE THE FINDINGS Diffuse Increased signal (intermediate) in the Supraspinatus Tendon. WHAT'S THE Dx SUPRASPINATUS TENDINITIS/TENDINOSIS. There is diffuse increased signal in the supraspinatus tendon (Pink arrows).The signal increase is intermediate which is seen on tendinitis and not fluid type signal which is seen in tears.Fluid in the subacromial/ subdeltoid bursa (Blue arrow) is present which is the high signal of fluid. IMAGES ARE FROM OUR INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT. CLICK ICON BELOW TO SEE ALL OUR INSTAGRAM POSTS Instagram RELATED POSTS THAT INCREASE YOUR DEPTH OF KNOWLEDGE ON THIS TOPIC: CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW HIP PARALABRAL CYST MRI LABRUM TEAR DEGENERATION Read More » #supraspinatus #rotator cuff #tendonitis #radiology #radedasia #mri #shouldermri #msk #mrishoulder #mskmri #radiologyeducation #radiologycases #radiologist #radiologystudent #radiologycme #radiologycpd #medicalimaging #imaging #radcme #rheumatology #arthritis #rheumatologist #sportsmed #orthopaedic #physio #physiotherapist #radedasia #mri #mskmri #radiología