patella plica mri radiology syndrome knee medial radedasia
  • The medial patella plica is a developmental synovial membrane remnant.
  • Can be seen in up to 30% of knees.
  • It can be completely asymptomatic but can extend between the patella and trochlea and be compressed and cause pain. This is seen in so called Patella Plica Syndrome.


  • May also have chondromalacia in the adjacent patella and trochlea facet.

  • A normal plica as shown is well defined and low signal.


  • It is found in the superomedial aspect of the joint and is best seen on axial scans.


  • With compression it will be thickened and ill defined and increase in signal.

patella plica mri radiology syndrome knee medial radedasiamri patella plica radiology syndrome knee medial radedasia

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knee infrapatellar plica syndrome radiology mri radedasia

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