BRACHIALIS TENDON MRI: Elbow MRI Brachialis tendon Tendinosis, Tears and Normal
The Brachialis tendon is less commonly injured than the biceps. It inserts onto the anterior ulnar on the ulnar tuberosity and to a lesser extent on the coronoid process but the tendon is very short compared to the biceps tendon. Most commonly we see tendinosis or a strain/partial tear at the musical tendinous junction. Complete ruptures are uncommon.
- Where does the brachialis tendon insert?
- The Brachialis tendon inserts predominantly on the ulna tuberosity (Yellow circle and arrow) with some fibres extending to the coronoid process.
- (Image credit First Image Gray's Anatomy, Plate 213, 2nd Image Source unknown please inform us if this is yours and we will acknowledge).
- Where does the brachialis tendon insert?
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