glenohumeral joint subluxation humeral humerus scapulohumeral moloney's line gothic arch radiology xray mri


  • Mostly we assess humeral subluxation by subjectively assessing the position of the humeral head.

  • But there is a more reproducible way to do it.

  • The Scapulohumeral arch which is also called the Gothic Arch or Moloney’s line.

  • Normally the inferior margin of the scapula and the medial humerus form a smooth curve.

  • This smooth curve is called the Scapulohumeral arch. It refers to the relationship of the inferior margin of the scapula and humerus.

  • If this arch is not disrupted, there is no subluxation.

glenohumeral joint humeral subluxation humerus scapulohumeral moloney's line gothic arch mri radiology xray radedasia rea

Image Above:
Normal smooth line formed by inferior scapular margin and medial humerus indicates no inferior humeral subluxation.

  • If there is disruption to this curve, its a marker of subluxation of the humeral head. 

  • This disruption can also be seen in posterior dislocations.

The line formed by the humerus will lie inferior to the line formed by the scapula.

glenohumeral joint humeral subluxation humerus scapulohumeral moloney's line gothic arch mri radiology xray rea radedasia

Image Above: Break in the arch formed by the humerus and scapula. Bone fragments under blue line from a Bony Bankart lesion

The line formed by the humerus will lie superior to the line formed by the scapula.

glenohumeral joint humeral subluxation humerus scapulohumeral moloney's line gothic arch mri xray radiology radedasia rea

Image Above: Break in the arch formed by the humerus and scapula with superior subluxation of the humerus

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